Bearded Dragons
beader dragon

Bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) are ideal animals for beginners in reptile care. They look jurasic, have a mellow temper, become used to their keeper quickly and are not difficult to keep.

These diurnal lizards display some nice behavior when meeting mating partners or rivals. Males are very aggressive towards each other and have to be kept alone. Females however can be kept in small groups, if they are of equal size and are used to company.

Being around for many decades, these popular animals have been bred in various colors and skin types.

beader dragon
beader dragon
beader dragon
beader dragon
beader dragon
Captive Care
bearded dragon habitat

Originating from dry desert and savannah areas in Australia, bearded dragons need high temperatures in the range of 25-35℃. They love to bask in direct sunlight where temperature can climb up to 50℃. Night time temperatures can drop to 20℃. Bearded dragons like a dry environment, with occasional rainfalls.

bearded dragon habitat

They are not picky eaters and will consume every living insect, worm, maggot, etc. they can get. Once used to the keeper, they accept food from tweezers, which makes it possible to feed defrosted insects as well.

However, they also require plant based food. Carrots, spinach, camote leaves, cucumber, arugula, gooliwog, any kind of vegetables, edible flowers etc. should be fed. Fruits should be given occasionally only due to the high sugar and acid content.

The diet for juveniles should be 90% insects and 10% plant based. As they grow older, this ratio should be reversed. Adult diet should contain insects only once a week with vegetables as are the main feeds.

Although easy to keep, Beardies also have some requirements and will suffer if neglected.