veiled chameleon
panther chameleon

Chameleons are a group of reptiles inhabiting most parts of Africa, Middle East, and the Indian Ocean islands. Additionally, there are populations in Southern Europe and India & Sri Lanka.

Known for their ability to change colors, these animals have a variety of amazing, unique features. For example, did you know, their eyes can move independently from each other? While one eye targets the front, the other one is on a lookout at the back. Their sticky tongue is longer than the entire body, snapping out with a speed of 6 meters per second, in order to catch pray. It is one of the fastest movements in the animal kingdom!


These mostly arboreal living reptiles use their tail as a 5th limb, which helps them maneuvering through branches and twigs. Unlike many other reptiles, chameleons do not drink water from a bowl. Instead, they lick water droplets from plants, leaves, or the deco of their enclosures. This makes hydration a bit complicated, as their enclosure needs to be sprayed with water several times a day. Chameleons are beautiful and very interesting reptiles and thrive in proper captive care. However, they not really suitable for beginners in reptile keeping. They are prone to stress and diseases due to wrong care, insufficient hydration, one sided diet and wrong climate.

chamelon habitat

This is how chameleons are kept at JungleJewels. Outdoor all year round, with natural sunlight and automatic misting system. A home terrarium can be much smaller of course. For these arboreal reptiles, height is more important than floor area. Good ventilation is a must as stagnant air will lead to health problems. Please inform yourself about the living conditions and requirements BEFORE getting some as pets!

Veiled Chameleons

Veiled chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratus) originate from Yemen and parts of Saudi Arabia. Males can reach a length of up to 60cm, with a bright coloration mix of blue, turquoise, green, yellow, black, white.

veiled chameleon

Females stay much smaller, with a usual pastel green color with white marks. Gravid females however display a great color mix of black & yellow, blue, green, and yellow patterns.

When stressed, their color can turn dark brown. They turn pastel or dull if relaxed or no rivals or mates in sight.



Feeding mostly on all kinds of insects sometimes, Chamelaeleo calyptratus is also known for eating fruits, small birds and small reptiles. In captivity feeder insects need to be supplemented with vitamins, particularly D3 and calcium.

Captive care As most chameleons, the Calyptratus is very territorial. Males cannot be kept together as they will fight and hurt each other badly. Keeping male and female together MIGHT work out, if the enclosure is big enough, with a lot of hiding spots for the female. Otherwise, the male might harass and stress the female too much.

Temperatures should reach between 25-35℃, up to 40℃ in the basking spot. Night temps may be lower to 18℃. Humidity is recommended at around 70%, with 2-3 misting periods daily.


Panther Chameleons

Panther chameleons (Furcifer pardalis) inhabit northern and northeastern parts of Madagascar, living in different habitats of up to 700m above sea level.

panther chameleon
panther chameleon
panther chameleon

With approximately 50cm for males and 40cm for females, Panthers stay a bit smaller than Veiled chameleons.

panther chameleon
panther chameleon
panther chameleon

While Veiled chameleons show only very little color variation among individuals, Panthers have developed many different colorations and patterns. Some common and known patterns are from the localities of Ambilobe, Tamatave, Ambanja, Nosy Be, Nosy Faly, Diego Suarez, among others.

Captive care, diet, environmental conditions are similar to the ones of Veiled chams. Panthers like it a bit colder, maybe up to 30℃, with night temperatures not below 20℃. In general, they are a bit more sensitive than Veiled chams, thus definitely not recommended for reptile beginners.